Composition is the structure and placement of all the components within a picture, including the subject matter and design elements.
There are many rules for correct compositional structure of a photograph.
Traditionalists believe these rules should be followed but you may choose to pay attention to some and not others.
What is composition?
What are some common compositional layouts for photography?
Golden mean
The golden section or the golden mean refers to the most common compositional structure. It has an approximate ratio of 5:8
Golden triangle
The golden triangles is more convenient for photos with diagonal lines. There are three triangles with corresponding shapes. Roughly place three subjects with approximate equal sizes in these triangles and this rule will be kept.
Horizon line
A horizon line should never cut a photograph in half.
Rule of thirds
You divide your picture frame into thirds, both horizontally and vertically. The best location for the main subject of the photograph is at one of the points of intersection.
Leading lines
Leading lines in your photograph help guide the viewer to your focal point.
Use fences, roads, trees, paths etc.